Saturday, December 5, 2009

12-5-09 Thoughts

Happiness is something we must work for. It is all around us we are just blind to it sometimes. We can not always see the beauty around us when we are full of hurt. Happiness is what you make it. Sometimes we have to create our own happiness. Life is what you make it. That saying is so true. So make the most of your life.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12-1-09 Thoughts

It's not how long you have known someone that makes you good friends....It's about loving people and them loving you back.

Friday, November 6, 2009

11-6-09 Thoughts

Life is never as bad as it seems. You just got to take a deep breath and breathe!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

11-5-09 Thoughts

The world is the same for all of us, it's just how you look at the world that is different. How you see the world determines how you live in it. So find the joy and find the good and let that shine through you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11-4-09 Thoughts

Why is trust so hard? Because we have to take a leap of faith and let go of all we know? Because we have to put our feelings, our heart, our life in the hands of another? Even when that another is God, its still hard to jump. Deep down we are all afraid of falling.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11-4-09 Thoughts

Someday you will find what matters most to you. Unfortunately for most, it takes losing it first.

Monday, November 2, 2009

11-3-09 Thoughts

You can not know the answer to everything....if you did there would be know searching.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Only Human

Darkened hearts and foolish minds
Hatred only seen through our blinded eyes
Jealousy and distrust is only our illusion
We are masked by our never ending confusion
We can not see past our own belief
And in order to change our minds it must bring some relief
Evil is not just around us, it is within us
There is no way to escape the sin and all the lust
We are always wrong even when we try
We become depressed and angered when we allow our souls to die
Our true hearts desires are always pure
It's the choices we make and our actions that leave us unsure

Saturday, September 19, 2009

You're Gonna Wish You Were Mine

When I'm with you I am so amazed
How can you not feel the same
Maybe you do but you are just scared
If that is true baby that just isn't fair

We fit together like a puzzle piece
What do I have to do to make you see
Maybe you do but you just choose to be blind
Cuz you don't think you deserve to be mine

Don't you see that it's killing me
To watch you turn your back and leave
I can't make you change your mind
Someday you're gonna wish you were mine

I know you want me, I can see it in your eyes
I know you care, but instead you tell me lies
I can't make you trust me if you don't
I'd never break your heart, I promise I won't

I could be the hand that holds you up
I could be the one to make you fall in love
Maybe I read the signs all wrong
When I'm with you it feels so strong

Don't you see that it's killing me
To watch you turn your back and leave
I can't make you change your mind
But Someday you're gonna wish you were mine

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let it Shine

When the sky has lost its color
and the world stops loving one another
When it all comes crashing down
I hope you're standing with your head held high

When you've lost all you had
and your faith you can't seem to get back
When people try to tear you down
I hope you're standing with your head held high

When fighting the battles won't win you the war
and when love no longer seems worth fighting for
When you're left broken and alone
I hope you're standing with your head held high

Let your light shine
Through the hurt and the pain let it shine
Through the struggle and the blame let it shine
Let your light shine

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Sometimes we lose sight of whats important in our lives
We let things slip away that we should of held on to
Or we regret things we thought was right
But life is too short to just let it fade away
We have to grab hold of what is important and make sure it doesn’t get away
For what is this life made of
What is considered most important above all else
For some it is money, success, fame
For others it is family and friends
But above all else love is most important
Without love we would have no passion no drive no desire for anything
Love is not just between two people but in everything we do
You cannot get by in life without some feeling of love
Love is happiness, and Love is sadness, Love is accomplishment, and Love is defeat
But Love is what decides our fate
It decides where we want to be in life whether it’s love for their work
Love for their child, love for themselves, Love for their God
Or just that kind of feeling you get when you fall in love
It’s letting go of something we love so we can feel it
It’s something so great that we will search our whole lives for
Because just one moment of it will be worth all that searching
We all have this amazing beautiful gift
We all will share it in some way to the world
But each in our different unique way
That’s why it’s so powerful because it’s so unexpected and so hard to understand
So let someone love you and let someone break your heart
Find out what you truly are all about
Find the Love that fulfulls your purpose and be happy with that
Not everyone finds their true love
Not everyone does what they are happy doing
Not everyone finds a true friendship
But no matter what we all have love to give
So why aren’t we giving it ….?

Monday, July 20, 2009


Even when it seems hopeless, keep giving.....someday this world will give back, someday the game will give back, someday your faith will give back, someday your patience and hard work will give back.....but most importantly someday LOVE will give back.....That deep down love that you give to someone will finally give back.....Someday.

Friday, July 17, 2009

God's Plan

Do you have any idea how much your life is worth?
How much that God gave up for you just so you can walk on this earth?
I wonder if you have ever stopped and tried to understand
That he is asking you to walk with him in the promised land
He is giving you a chance to live
And all you have to do is put your faith in him
The reward will be greater than all your struggles combined
And when you reach that mountains end there you will find
Something so amazing that words can't describe
Only until you accept him will you finally feel alive

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Human Nature

Why is it that we desire that which is unclean
Yet we turn away from that which can set us free
We have such a hard time giving it all up for eternity
But it’s so easy to for all those things which only bring temporary relief

We are selfish and full of pride
We don’t seem to care if things are wrong or right
What matters most is that it feels good inside
And the consequence will not be faced until we die

O, God there must be a simpler way
To strip this unpure heart away

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sometimes what is so obvious is not always clear..........or rather we choose not to see

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


In a cruel and far from perfect world
pressures are faced by each boy and girl
Once born they will never be filled with that same innocence
and every choice made will bear some consequence

Just when you think we are starting to learn
Experience shows us that Hatred is a fire that will always burn
We can't escape something we can't overcome
and when it comes to Peace, it seems as if we have just begun

Maybe if our minds weren't so Judgemental
or if people didn't have to be labeled by a symbol
If only we could free our hearts from Jealousy
and not form opinions based on what we see

Maybe if life weren't so hard
or love could heal us from all the things that have scarred
Maybe if we could see the beauty in all God's creation
We could stand together as one pround nation

We will never put the killing, discrimination, and evil to an end
Because no matter how we try it's in our nature to sin

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sometimes in life you have to lose in order to feel the joy of winning!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For Love of The Game

It's a passion that you feel inside.
It's indescribable and hard to find,
But those who have it never fail,
They never fade away and always prevail.
It's the kind of drive that comes from the heart,
And once you feel it nothing will tear it apart.
It's more than just something you do.
It's a way of life that becomes a part of you.
It's deeper than lifetime friendships and unforgettable memories,
It's the missing piece that allows you to accomplish your dreams.
It's the burning uncontrollable fire that fuels your soul.
Never allowing you to lose the fight or to lose control.
It's the reason that you continue to believe,
Even through the pain and struggles of defeat.
I can't describe this feeling that’s so powerful and strong.
It's just something that I have felt all along
You either feel it or you don't, it's not up to me.
It can't be taught to those who don't want to see.
So open your eyes so you can experience this revelation
That will give you more than just determination.
It's what makes winners into champions of greatness
And it's a way to glorify God and show your gratefulness.
Nothing else compares to its name.
It's the deep undying desire for Love of the Game.

Saturday, June 20, 2009