Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3-31-10 Life Is Unfair

So many times I have heard the words..."Life Is Not Fair". I myself have used that line quite a few times. But nothing can ever be fair. It is just a part of life. Something that is fair to you becomes unfair to someone else. Losing a close game seems so unfair but to the opposition the opposite holds true. Why do we focus so much on complaining about life being unfair? Instead we should be focusing on our lives and taking control of it. There are no excuses and there is no one to blame. Not even God. Why do we focus so much on blaming God when maybe we should be blaming ourselves? It may seem unfair that you didnt get the job postion you wanted or that your car broke down.....But is it fair that you can walk and he can't. Is it fair that you have a family and she does not? You may think its unfair that you can't seem to find the love of your life.....But is it fair that you are healthy and someone else is diseased. You may say its unfair that you can not bear children....But is it fair that hundreds of kids have no parents and yet you were lucky enough to get two. I may say it is not fair that girls can't make millions of dollars in pro sports like guys can. But it is fair that I got to wake up this morning and someone else didnt. It is fair that I was born in America while so many others were born into War. It is fair that I have shelter over my head and many children sleep in the streets. Is it fair that I have heard the word of God and yet millions don't know who Jesus Christ is. I have heard the words "Life Is Not Fair" So many times. But is it really unfair or do you only see with one view point. Maybe in the end Life is not so unfair after all. Maybe all of the unfair moments in your life are just God's way of saying....I know what is best for you. Look at your life and instead of complaining about the things that seem unfair. Maybe we should be thankful for the blessings we have....ones that so many would say are unfair.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21st

Take a deep breath....tilt your head back...look up to heaven cuz he is looking back.