Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Confidence is that which lies within us
In order to find success, it is a must.
It is obvious that through success it is found,
But true confidence is built when you've been broken down.
Champions are not born out of fate,
It's belief in yourself that makes you great.
No one can teach you how to find the passion.
Only you yourself have the ability to make it happen.
The mind is such a powerful thing.
Don't underestimate the truth it can bring.
Anyone who believes they can......Will.
Those are the people whose dreams get fulfilled.

Confidence is so important to being a successful athlete. What is confidence really and how do you find it or get it is something I struggled with at one point. Every athlete has to look inside themselves to find that confidence. It is not something that can be taught. You may not be blessed with amazing talent, but if you have confidence you can accomplish more than someone who does. Belief in yourself is such a powerful thing!

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